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You Searched For: Griffin

50 Matches Found (displaying 1 to 50)

George P. Sinks, Catharine A. Griffin, Apr. 5, 1882
St. Louis, MO.

George Truman Naylor, Margaret "Peggy Griffin Hilton, 8 Nov 1838
Howard, MO
[email protected]
It appears HILTON/HELTON was a second marriage for her and her maiden name was possibly GRIFFIN. However, the Hilton name appears often in the family.

Brandon Steele, Jennifer Griffin, 5/27/00
Tulsa, OK

James Budd Smith, Sadie Riley, May 8, 1935
Griffin, GA

Capt. Christopher Howard Robertson, 1st Lt. Margaret Elizabeth Griffin, 12/18/99
Chesterfield, VA

John Henry Key, Hadie Alice Nunnelee, 30 Jul 1895
Freestone, Tx
[email protected]
Hadie d/o Eugine L. Nunnelee and
Hadie [Griffin]
John s/o Owen denton Key and
Alvira Ann [Grim]
Children: Surname KEY
William H. b 15 May 1897 Tx
d 06 Jul 1977 Tx
Mary Newell: b abt 1907 Tx
d after 1977
m. _____ Watson
Ellen: b abt 1903 Tx
d after 1977
1m Irey Armour
2m ____ Johnson

Robert Griffin Nunnelee, Annie Laurie Taylor, 13 Aug 1911
Smith, Tx
[email protected]
Robert: s/o Eugene l. Nunnelee and
Hadie [Griffin]
Annie: do not know her parents
Lived in Smith Co, Tx until deaths
Children: Surname Nunnelee
Winston Travis b 05 Feb 1912
d 15 Feb 1918
Edward Griffin b 21 Noc 1915
d 10 Nov 1975
1m Edith Lucille Wright - divorced
2m Medda Luceal Herron 05 Feb 1946
Harold Brogan b 20 Jul 1918
d 04 Jun 1991
Robert Eugene b 01 Aug 1925
LaWanda Elimara b 26 Oct 1934
d 01 Dec 1934

coleman r. smith, lashanda j. griffin, 5/8/1998

coleman r. smith, lashanda j. griffin, 5/8/1998
hamilton co., tennessee
[email protected]

William E. Pollette, Nora Mable Griffin, February 12,1903
New London, Conn.
United States
[email protected]
James William Pollett& Ednah Elwood Perry
Joeseph Griffin & Mary Loughbrough

Raymond Griffin, Patricia Pearce, 5 November 1948
Tulsa, OK

Jason N. Mical, Elizabeth D. Griffin, 7/7/2001
Tulsa, OK

Harold Scott Tobey, Rayanne Jeanine Griffin, 12/6/1997
Tulsa, OK

Homer D. Griffin, Mary A. Smith, 11 Sept. 1916
Lincoln, OK
[email protected]

irvin griffin, mary lee caldwell, 07/03/57
caddo, louisiana
[email protected]

Alfred Russell FREEMAN, Nellie Matilda MARIOTT (spelling unsure)/RAINES/STUTT/MOORECOPELAND/POGUE, 02/26/1892
unknown, AR (unsure)
[email protected]
These are my g-grandparents. I am trying to locate more information on them and have been unsuccessful. They were on the 1900 Conway Co AR (Griffin Twp) census. My grandfather was born in Pope Co in Feb 1900. On the 1900 census it had Alfred born in AR, his father born in AR and his mother in GA. Nellie was born in MO/ father (unreadable) Mother (unreadable) but it may be MO for both.

Their children are:
B. Russell
Lilly L.
Ada Viola
James Newton (my grandfather)
Vanillie E.
Lula E.
Hugh Noland
Virgie Lee
Nathan Rodney

Please contact me if you have any information on them, I have been searching for almost a year and have not had any luck.


Thomas Z.Trent, Violet E.Rose, Dec.17,1951
[email protected]
His 2nd wife was Ann Ruth Griffin
all party's deceased

Francis J. Griffin, Matilda Adair, 27 July 1881
Sevier , AR
[email protected]
My great grandmother and her second husband. I could not find the record of her first marriage to John Adair. Both "Frank" and Matilda were twenty-six years old,on the marriage license. Frank was from Little River Co.AR and "Til" was from Sevier Co.AR

On the 1880 Federal Census Sevier Co.AR USA Clear Creek Twp:
Adair, Matilda 26 widow AR TX AR
, Mary Ann 04 dau AR AL AR
, John ?W. 03 son AR AL AR
Matilda's maiden name was Dollarhide, daughter to Cornelius and Sarah Story Scarberry Dollarhide.

frank Griffin stearns, ella jane jones, 21 Mar 1871
Windsor, VT

Michael GRIFFIN, Leslie GRANT, Oct 5,1996
Tompkins, NY
[email protected]

James Griffin, Hannah Robenson, Nov 11 1819
Belmont, Ohio
[email protected]

Claude Griffin Baker, Ola Evelyn Flowers, Feb. 22, 1933
[email protected]

Volney Baird, Elvira E. Griffin, 31 Dec 1857
Trigg , Ky

Frank H. FITCH, Bessie H. GRAY, 24 Oct 1883
St Lawrence, NY
FHL #1310660. Frank, age 22, b. Hammond, NY, s/o Amos N. Fitch & Emeline ATWOOD.
Bessie, age 23, b. Hammond, NY, d/o Griffin J. GRAY & Olive H. ROBINSON.
Married at Morristown, NY.

Volney Baird, Elvira Griffin, 31 Dec 1857
Trigg, Tn
Thomas Haley gave to him a cow, 25 hogs and furniture in Hickman Co. Tn. 1 Apr 1840. Volney was a blacksmith b. in Tn.

Hilliard Beasley, Ebby Griffin, 23 Mar 1836
Williamson, Tn

John Griffin, Darkis Redman, 6 Aug 1822
Bibb, Ala

John Phelan, Nora Griffin, 26 Aug 1895
Coconino, Arz

patrick griffin, sheree barksdale, 2001
marshal, MS

Griffin G. ZACHRY, Lucinda STEPHENS, 11 Jan 1841
Davidson, TN

Ebenezer STEPHENS, Susannah GRIFFIN, 05 Jun 1819
Laurens, GA

Griffin Sink, Lucy Boitnott, 13 Mar 1877
Franklin, Va
dau of Peter and Julia (Sink) Boitnott

Griffin Canterbury, Lucinda Browning, Feb.14 1833
Logan County, Virginia (present day W.Va.)
Griffin Canterbury,buried at Antietam National Cemetery.Died 4/9/65. 3rd W.Va.Cavalry Co G.

William Canterbury, Lucy Kirby, April 25,1866
Kanawha County, West Virginia
Son of Griffin Canterbury.

Dewey Pruitt, Margaret Lucile Wyatt , Dec. 8.,1933
Spalding Cty.,Griffin ., Georgia
[email protected]
My father was b.July 2,1905 Troup Cty., Ga. He died July 21,1971 in Carroll Cty,. Ga. My mother was 15 when she and my daddy ran away to get married. Daddy was boarding with the Procters.Mother was still at home. This was in Coweta Cty., Ga.

Griffin STEPHENS, Sarah HAYHURST, 13 Mar 1839
Vanderburgh, IN

Thomas Griffin, Edy Sharp, 12 Jan 1814
Grainger, TN
[email protected]
Bondsman was William GRIFFIN. I would like to know how or if Thomas and William GRIFFIN were related.

Also, need the parents and siblings of Thomas GRIFFIN & Edy SHARP.

Is this the same Thomas GRIFFIN in Rhea Co., TN in 1822?

Thomas GRIFFIN, Edy SHARP, 12 Jan 1814
Grainger, Tennessee
[email protected]
Source: copy of marriage bond and license. Bondsman was William GRIFFIN. Parents, siblings, dates, locations would be most gratefully accepted.

I believe this couple was living in Rhea Co., TN abt. 1822.

Edward Jay Jenkins, Judy Mae Griffin, April 4, 1994
Saratoga, New York

Caswell Allen NIPER, Anney KING, 09 Sep 1837
Roane, TN
Bond issued 02 Sep 1837. William Griffine, BM

Ezra Griffin, Fanna Musick, 3 Jan 1799
Washington, Va

Autrey GRIFFIN, Mary Ann CORAM, 30 Jul 1829
Lauderdale, AL

Jacob Griffin, Mary McBride, 12 Feb 1831
Grainger, Tn

Madison Griffin, Synthia McBride, 5 Jan 1828
Grainger, Tn

Richard Griffin, Eliza. G. Shirley, 1 Dec 1824
Grainger, Tn

James McDaniel, Sally Griffin, 11 Aug 1819
Grainger, Tn

John Jennings, Jane Griffitts, 17 May 1822
Grainger, Tn
possibly Griffin

Griffin Waddle, Elmira Story, 9 Nov 1847
Knox, Tn

John Canterbury, Paulina Evans, 1850
Logan Co., West Virginia
Son of Griffin Canterbury and Lucinda Browning. John died May 9,1863,Young's Point Louisiana. He was a Private 1st W>Va. Cavalry Co.G.

Eli Kirby, Sarah Canterbury, Jan.27,1869
Kanawha Co., West Virginia
daughter of Griffin Canterbury and first wife Lucinda Browning.


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