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Illinois Military Genealogy

Illinois military genealogy information and links, including American Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Black Hawk War, American Civil War, Spanish American War, and 20th century military conflicts, to help in your Illinois genealogy research in your search for your ancestors. 




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American Revolution

War of 1812
Black Hawk War 
The last major Indian conflict east of the Mississippi River, in the Northwest Territory, was the Black Hawk War in 1832.  In 1804 the Sauk and Fox tribes signed a treaty relinquishing claim to their land in Illinois.  They were to remove to Iowa, but were allowed to remain in Illinois until their former lands were sold.  The Indians were ordered into Iowa in 1828, and the Sauk leader, Black Hawk, who had fought for the British during the War of 1812, opposed the treaty, claiming the Indians had been given liquor before signing the agreement.  

In 1829, 1830, and 1831, Black Hawk's band returned across the Mississippi for spring planting, frightening the whites.  When Black Hawk returned in April of 1832 with a band of  warriors and women, children, and old men to plant corn in the village of Winnebago Prophet, they were turned back by the Illinois militia and returned to Iowa.  On May 14, 1821 Black Hawk's peace envoy sent to meet with the militia were were captured and one was killed.  Consequently, Black Hawk and about 40 warriors attacked the militia force, and the Black Hawk War began.

  • Black Hawk and the Black Hawk War  Black Hawk disputed an agreement made between members of his tribe and the United States government over the sale of the tribe's lands in Illinois. He claimed that members of the tribe had been given liquor before they signed the documents. In 1832 Black Hawk was defeated in what became known as the Black Hawk War.
  • Black Hawk War Veterans Database  indexes the first volume of Ellen M. Whitney's The Black Hawk War 1831-1832.
  • Black Hawk War  An account from The Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois published in 1903
  • Black Hawk War  Excerpted from the Combined History of Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois, 1882  includes rosters
American Civil War
Illinois made many notable contributions to the Union cause in the civil war.  Leaders from Illinois included President Abraham Lincoln and 177 generals including General Ulyses S. Grant.  Equally important were over 250,000 Illinois men who served in the military.  Of these almost 35,000 died, mostly from disease.  
20th Century



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